Winter Updates
Lev Aharon Historic News!
Summer Zman Strong
The trip that everyone can't stop talking about!
Starting off the Cold Winter with Spiritual Warmth
Spiritual seeds are planted in the dark of winter
Finishing off the winter with boatloads of fun!
Spiritual High with Lots of Fun
Lighting up the Neshama
Starting off 2022 High Holidays on a High!
There is no way to come to terms with the catastrophe of this past Lag BaOmer.
One young boy, the son of our beloved Rabbi Tawil, was hoping to celebrate his Bar Mitzva in America with his grandparents and extended family.
64 boys return for the new zman
Lev Aharon's Lag Ba'Omer experience
Superbowl Siyum on Masechet Tamid
Divrei Torah & chizuk from the Lev Aharon family
Some boys went up to Bnei Brak to visit Gedolim
With the bountiful blessing of a rainy winter in Israel, the Hermon mountain is full of snow.
It seems like this period of the year is ripe for Siyumim...
What is a democrats favorite flavor of ice cream?