Yeshiva News

January News

February 6, 2024


Commissioned by King Herod-I two thousand years ago, the ancient fortification cliff of Masada attracts around 750,000 visitors a year who either take a cable-car to the top or challenge themselves to the famous snake path up the side of the cliff, which is exactly what our boys did! We woke up the boys at 3am to load the bus and headed to Masada! At 5:20am we began the ascent up the snake path beginning below sea-level. We beat the sunrise to the top of Masada, 800 meters above sea-level where we prayed Shacharit with sunrise. After Shacharit, we toured the ruins, placing it in historic perspective, near the end of the Second Bet Hamikdash. Afterwards, we climbed down from the other side of Masada that faces the small city of Arad where the Roman legions encamped when they tried to overrun the small group of Jews that had taken over the fortress. We enjoyed a beautiful breakfast in Arad and then headed for Ne’ot Kedumim for some thrilling camel-riding. To top-off the trip, the boys were back in time for afternoon classes in the yeshiva.




Our annual desert trip began at the famous ancient caves spread mostly in the Judean Foothills, the hundreds of hideouts from the time of the Bar-Kochba revolt (132-135 CE) that are a living testimony to the heroic, yet tragic, last attempt of the Jews to rebel against the Roman Empire at the end of the Second Bet HaMikdash era. We had an inspiring black-out kumzitz and the period of the destruction of the Second Bet HaMikdash came alive in the dark caves where we have a small taste of what our fellow captives are suffering in underground tunnels of Gaza. We spent some time spelunking in the caves (very cool!) before leaving to a nearby farm where we helped peel, bag, and box vegetables for delivery.

Next stop: Kefar HaNokdim

Tucked away in the Kana`im Valley in the Judean desert, between the city of Arad and Masada, lies the green oasis of Kfar HaNokdim. The picturesque desert resort features goat hair Bedouin style tents, spacious lodges made of local stone and many relaxing spots to unwind among palm tree sand captivating nature. It offered the boys an experience of sleeping in the desert. We set up a huge BBQ and invited soldiers from a nearby army base to join us for some great food and a bonfire kumzitz with singing and dancing well into the night.


Day Two: Nachal Chalamish

Nachal Chalamish is a 4.8-km unique and challenging desert trail that entails rappelling down dried-out waterfalls and climbing up the rock walls.




Rabbi Mansour spoke how the boys in Lev have given up their lives of comfort and luxuries to come study Torah in Israel. This mesirat nefesh makes their Torah learning very precious in Shamayim. Lev Aharon is a legion of Torah soldiers and have a more powerful effect against our enemies in battle than standard soldiers in army fatigues. Rabb Mansour blessed the Rosh Yeshiva that he should have much success in the yeshiva’s building campaign.



Max Antar, Lev alumnus from Lev’s first year, spoke in the yeshiva. He spoke to the boys about utilizing their time in Lev to cash in now and make a serious commitment to Torah. When you go back to what you think reality really is, it won’t be the same. So, take advantage of being in Lev. Whatever you do in Lev you will have for life!