Yeshiva News

Mastering our Mornings!

December 25, 2019

Rabbi Shalom Dorchai is a member of our Kolel, our in house barber and the force behind an exciting morning incentive to bring chizuk to first seder each day. Rising and shining is not always a simple feat and many are plagued with tiredness, laziness and the pleasure of cuddling under their blankets and going back to sleep. Yet, as we know, each new day is an opportunity to achieve and grow. Hashem awaits our tefillot and the Torah itself beckons us to come partake in it's blessings. Rabbi Dorchai arranged a two week "Chizuk-boost" for the mornings, with an enticing incentive. Come to every Shacharit, stay for the full seder and shiur, and enjoy the fast paced thrilling excitement of paintball as well as being wined and dined in the Ruben restaurant. The boys were in! They put in the effort and truly deserved the reward. The day of the planned excursion was pouring rain but that did not dissuade them in the slightest. On the contrary, it made the game of paintball that much more challenging and exciting. They came back to the yeshiva soaked, soiled and satiated!, and, of course, deeply inspired from the power of their own commitments and a will to do it again!