Mazel Tov

Moshe Chai is Engaged!!

December 8, 2019

Shana Gimmel, a third year in Lev, is a novelty. While over the years many boys have begged us to start an official third year program, unfortunately, as of yet, it has not come to fruition. Sometimes, individuals, boys who have grown and blossomed within Lev's warm confines, just don’t want to leave. It's their home, their epicenter, their lifeline. Moshe Chai Wakefield is one of those special individuals. He is one of our proud students that brings pride to the yeshiva. He's become an integral part of the atmosphere and with his warmth and amicable midot, he is a beloved icon to all our boys. Watching him pray and learn is a lesson in Torah values and he truly represents our aspirations and our dreams for our students. This week, we were elated when Moshe Chai announced his engagement (to the sister of Yigal Ben Chaim, our alumnus!) There was a spirit of elation, excitement and unbridled simcha as he entered the Beit Midrash. The students and Rabbis rejoiced with spirited song and dancing. We wish them a massive Mabruk and Mazal Tov! May they have a wonderful life together building a bayit ne'eman b'Yisrael. His kallah truly merited a special chattan and she will surely appreciate his stellar midot (as well as his luscious breakfasts!!)