Yeshiva News

Trip to Chevron

November 14, 2019

As Yom Kippur approached, the Yeshiva had the opportunity to “cash in” on one of the greatest zechuyot that the Jewish people have; zechut Avot. While Eretz Yisroel is replete with mekomot ha’Kedoshim, the Mearat Hamachpela, the holy burial place of our forefathers, is a most special place to visit in these auspicious times. The Sefarim tell  us that the conduit for all Heavenly blessings is our Zchut Avot. Everything is in their merit and those descendants who follow in their Derech are destined to receive the Heavenly downpour. Two buses of Rabbis and students left the Yeshiva heading for the ancient city of Chevron. We enjoyed the “Be’er Avraham”, the (freezing) fountain of water attributed to our Patriarch as well as a panoramic view of the city. We then went to the graves of Rut and Yishai, with a climax of being zocheh to pray at the graves of the Avot. We hope that in the merit of our holy Forefathers, all our heartfelt prayers should pierce the Heavens, granting us all a wonderful sweet new year.