Yeshiva News

Ascending! The Ski Trip Incentive

March 3, 2020

With the bountiful blessing of a rainy winter in Israel, the Hermon mountain is full of snow. Like every bracha in the world, it must be utilized for Torah and mitzvot. Rabbi Dorchai and Rabbi Pollak, two of our Kolel avreichim, decided to make a Ski Trip event as an incentive for the boys to enhance their Tefillot and sedarim. They designed a point system where each boy, depending on his daily  attendance, had the possibility of getting his entire trip sponsored, or, with less points, a partial sponsorship. The challenge was not easy but it was enticing and baruch Hashem, the boys came through with flying colors. On Sunday, forty-three boys set out for a day of skiing and snowboarding on the Hermon slopes followed by an all you can eat dinner at Ahrahle's Restaurant. We congratulate them for their hard work and hope that besides the excitement, they’ll remember their potential and what they can accomplish with a little bit of extra effort.